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Open Space Committee Minutes 01/11/2005

The meeting was convened at the OLPGN Library at 9:00 a.m., Chairman George James presiding.  Present were Ted Crosby, Evan Griswold, Jenn Hillhouse, Blair Hoxby, Diana Johnson, Connie Kastelowitz and Ted Kiritsis.

A motion to accept the minutes of 9/9/05 was made by Connie, seconded by Blair, and passed unanimously.

Diana presented draft #2 of the Proposed Open Space Acquisition Protocol and reviewed possible changes based on a workshop held with Att’y James Mattern and the Planning Commission on 7/26/05. She will continue to edit the proposal and will forward copies to George and the Secretary.

George distributed copies of the Champlain Farm Management Plan (2005), a TNC requirement. Nathan Froehling has a copy and a TNC representative will walk and review the property.  George applied for and received a Federal grant of $1000 to cover the cost of equipment to maintain the property.  A forester’s assessment is necessary if any changes are made and an updated plan given to TNC for their approval.

A job description of the position of Open Space Manager was reviewed.  It was agreed that this position should be recommended to the Town as part of the Town budget, but the description needs further clarification, i.e., managerial academic aspect versus mechanic aspect..  Compensation would be $20/hour to a maximum of $5000/year.  The job description could be forwarded to UConn and Conn College with the possibility of hiring a student with environmental or similar qualifications.  George will refine the description further.

A draft of an Ordinance for the Preservation of Old Lyme Open Space was also presented by George.  Hunting & trapping regs were not included as these are covered by State statute.  It was felt the fine for littering should be increased.  The proposed ordinance should be reviewed by an attorney.

George reported that Lea Griswold has hired Norman Caine to do an appraisal of the Buttonball Rd/Rte 156 properties which is due around Thanksgiving.

The Schmitt property, now Old Lyyme Heights, was discussed.  Four owners of the combined Schmitt, Clinton, and Roach properties exist.  The OS Comm will wait to see if the Planning Comm. decides to treat this as one or four pieces.  Diana recommended we return the $120,000 State grant as we were unable to buy the Schmitt piece.

Two subdivision plans are before Planning: “SLC LLC” and 100 Acres. SLC will request fee in lieu.  The present proposal is to divide 100 Acres into 2 unequal parcels.  This property should be recommended strongly to the Town for purchase.

Invitations for developers for December may include a 7 lot subdivision on the Cummings property above the Ct. River (it has 2 houses, one building which will be converted to a residence, and four lots as yet unbuilt on); the Foster parcel, under option to Smith (Spinnaker developer) whose possible plan is for 85-100 elderly housing residences.

Ted Crosby reported for OLCT that the 40 acre piece on the Ct. River owned by the late John Lohmann will remain in open space.  Access is available from Coult Lane.  Nathan Froehling (TNC) would like to be included in plans for this property.

Nancy Griswold, who lives out of State, has a landlocked parcel for sale off Four Mile River Rd, the appraised value being $160,000.

The next meeting will be at the Town Hall at 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 9.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Jennifer G. Hillhouse